President of Aspiring Futures, Uzma Qureshi, is currently visiting Pakistan

In March 2024, the President of Aspiring Futures USA, Uzma Qureshi, visited Pakistan. During her visit, Uzma Qureshi, alongside Rubina Faryal Asif, President of AFWO, spent time with the children and arranged an iftar dinner for them. It was a heartwarming day; the children were very happy to meet Uzma Qureshi and presented her with bouquets and handwritten notes.

AF Shelter Homes provide a safe and nurturing environment for children from rural areas and impoverished backgrounds. These children are given a quality upbringing and proper care, along with access to quality education. The shelter homes aim to create a supportive community where children can thrive and build a brighter future.

Aspiring Futures USA is dedicated to uplifting underprivileged children by offering them quality education, mentorship, and necessary accommodations. To achieve this objective, we actively partner with local organizations like Al Furqan Welfare Organization (AFWO) in Pakistan, working together to provide these crucial services.

Aspiring Futures USA organized a successful Fundraising Carnival, thanks to all the participants and supporters. Here are some glimpses of the Carnival.

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